Monday, January 28, 2019

My 5 Go-To News Sites 
We are the Mighty is a news site that its geared towards the service men and women of the United States. It keeps up on the latest in military technology, possible conflicts with other countries and current war zones we are currently in. The site also has articles that have "military humor" to help brighter your day.

Yahoo News
I really enjoy going on yahoo news specifically for their financial news because I think that it is the most easy navigate and has the most up to date on current stocks and economy statistics. 

If you watch sports then you know that this is the go-to spot for the most up to date news on sports. It's easy to navigate, fun to read, and most importantly very rarely incorrect about anything. You can also get text alerts on your phone for when a major sports related event occurs which I think is very use-full.

I grouped these two together because they are the two most popular news sites. I like to read from both of them because I feel that by doing this I am able to take away a less bias opinion on the news and can really pull away just the facts instead of the opinions that may sway in a certain direction.

Blogging Experience

Blogging has been able to change the world itself. The invention of blogging shook up the world of News. The ability to start a website and ...