Monday, February 18, 2019

Pulling troops out of Afghanistan


       I recently read an article on We Are The Mighty, one of the news sites highlighted in one of my previous pieces, it stated that we are pulling more troops out of Afghanistan. I was happy to read this article as I think it is time we start to give the ANA (Afghanistan National Army) more control as we have trained them up for many years. The article also mentioned that we are attempting to negotiate with the Taliban with officials in Kabul so I am interested to see where that goes. Trump intends to pull roughly 1,000 troops under the efficiency drive.

Link to article: 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Door Dash
Door Dash is such a convenient app and is definitely in my top three favorite pieces of technology to use. DoorDash is an app where you can select a restaurant thats listed on the app and then order food from there and have it delivered to you. The benefit of this app is that it will create a delivery option for most places that never deliver. The benefits of door dash are endless, I typically use it because i have minimal time to go eat on campus so I am able to order food on door-dash and have it come at a set time to ensure that i will have time to eat my food and then be able to move on to my next project that day.

Blogging Experience

Blogging has been able to change the world itself. The invention of blogging shook up the world of News. The ability to start a website and ...