Tuesday, March 26, 2019


 Amazon is without a doubt one of the most popular companies in todays age. I vaguely remember as a kid when it first came out and was just an online bookstore. However it caught on fairly quickly, at least for me I new about it early because my father was an early adopter of Amazon due to his love for reading. In my eyes by around 2012 the majority of people were hooked on amazon because it was now an epicenter for almost anything you could think for.  Within reason Amazon almost has everything on their website. Laggers to amazon make no sense to me because it's just inefficient to not use the very time effective website. Now Jeff Bezos (CEO of Amazon) was at one point the richest man in the world. Due to a recent divorce he no longer holds that title. Amazons value changes all the time with the fluctuation of the market, but it has hit the trillion dollar mark mid last year.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Individual Self-Fulfillment

Image result for freedom of speech

           Freedom of speech is undeniably one of the most important things in the US Constitution. It's something that we brag about and pride on for being a free country that freely speak about whatever they want to. Without freedom of speech then we would be violating the "Near" rule (Prior restraint). Having citizens of the US be able to speak out about what they want to, even if its anti government, is very healthy for this country. It lets people release what they want to say; rather than be censored and feel like your trapped in a country that doesn't let you speak your mind. The Self Fulfillment theory explains that it is a man or womans capacity to think, wonder, and imagine. "Speech is protected not as a means of a collective good but because of that value of speech conduct to the individual." (Professor C, Edwin Baker) This quote is essentially explaining that it is a persons natural habit to think, wonder and imagine and if they aren't able to speak about it freely then theres no point to thinking freely.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Raising Tensions between Pakistan and India

 The past few months the tension between Pakistan and India have been getting out of control. Almost to the point to where it should concern all of us. Recently Pakistan sent a suicide bomber into India and killed 40 of their troops, India responded by airstrikes followed by Pakistan shooting down two of their fighter jets and capturing on pilot. There are now threatening each other with nuclear power. While you might think we are out of harms way if they launch nukes at each-other, we aren't. Because if they launch nukes, it would be a environmental and humanitarian catastrophe to this planet.

LINK: https://www.wearethemighty.com/news/nuclear-war-india-pakistan-famine

Blogging Experience

Blogging has been able to change the world itself. The invention of blogging shook up the world of News. The ability to start a website and ...