Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Individual Self-Fulfillment

Image result for freedom of speech

           Freedom of speech is undeniably one of the most important things in the US Constitution. It's something that we brag about and pride on for being a free country that freely speak about whatever they want to. Without freedom of speech then we would be violating the "Near" rule (Prior restraint). Having citizens of the US be able to speak out about what they want to, even if its anti government, is very healthy for this country. It lets people release what they want to say; rather than be censored and feel like your trapped in a country that doesn't let you speak your mind. The Self Fulfillment theory explains that it is a man or womans capacity to think, wonder, and imagine. "Speech is protected not as a means of a collective good but because of that value of speech conduct to the individual." (Professor C, Edwin Baker) This quote is essentially explaining that it is a persons natural habit to think, wonder and imagine and if they aren't able to speak about it freely then theres no point to thinking freely.


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