Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism 
Citizen journalism is becoming more and more popular these days. Also know as "Street" journalism, it is  collection of citizens collecting news and sharing information to one another. You most likely see citizen journalism every day but don't even realize it. It can be as simple as someone putting something they say at school today on there snapchat story. In some cases, it can be used to ensure that the bigger news companies are doing a good job at being factual. Some of these street journalists have reached such a big audience due to their popularity that there are able to effectively spread the word around of whatever news. 

Citizen journalism is one of the best ways to exercise your Freedom of Speech. It is frequently used for protests and political movements that don't have the "big news" companies to support it. It is also changing the way that the world runs. For instance, as a Firefighter, I know that whenever I show up to a call,  I am most likely being recorded so immediately I need to censor my language. The down side to this is that is an already stressful job so being filmed just makes it a bit more stressful.

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