Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Media Security

  The Importance of Social Media Safety 

Similar to the article we just read in class today, I too was not allowed to have social media until the age of 13. I also did not get a phone until the age of 12. Most of my friends had these electronics and social media platforms by the 6th grade and that made me really eager to want to get them.

I remember on came called "FarmVille" that my older brother used to play on facebook everyday and it made me want facebook so badly. Then the day Finally came that I was able to get social media and the first thing I did was make a facebook. Before I was allowed to do anything on it however, my parents made sure that the privacy settings were in order. Then everyone started to get Instagram and it was a race to see who could get more followers. Many of my friends made their account public so that they could get more followers at a faster pace.

It is always important to make sure that your settings on social media are private that way it ensures your safety is at its full potential on that platform.  Personally I am luck to never have been a victim of harassment on social media but I do know of people who have been and its not something that you want to experience. This is why I encourage everyone to make sure that they have their settings on private so that not just everyone can look you up and find out personal information about you.

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