Friday, April 26, 2019

Blogging Experience

Blogging has been able to change the world itself. The invention of blogging shook up the world of News. The ability to start a website and make your own news articles and reports within seconds and for free has given anyone the power to gain a following.

Over this semester we were tasked with making one blog post per week. This was an eye opener for showing us how much more beneficial it is to read an article then right up a summary of it. So much more information sticks with you when you write about it. It also let us have the ability to have others look at our posts that we have made. Some of us even gained a small following on the posts. It was really interesting to be able to blog this semester and learn about how it changed the world of mainstream media.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Armed Soldiers to the Border

Sending Armed Soldiers to the US/MEXICO Border
The US has had our military at the border for quite some time now. There main purpose has been to help enforce building of the wall. They lay down barbed wire etc. However, in a new development, it has been reported that at the border Mexican troops pulled gun and aimed at Soldiers in the National Guard. Trump is now sending armed soldiers to the border to combat the incident that had happened.


Female Draft

                              FEMALE MILITARY DRAFT?

The draft has always been an option in the US Military. Currently not in use, we are an all volunteer force. However, this could always change at a moments notice. If another World War were to break out we would have to open up the draft again to get the numbers we need to stay in the fight.

The popular question in recent years has been " Do we include women in the draft?". A gentlemen in Texas certainly thought so. He sued the US government under the grounds that it was unconstitutional for the US to only draft males. The District Judge ruled in his favor that within 30 days of being 18 women must register for the draft. The Trump administration just files an appeal to defend eh all male Draft

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. A lot of times. You can see this in a military area a lot of the time. It’s not as direct as it was in WWII with uncle same but when you get closer to say, Camp Lejeune , you are going to see a lot of pro military and recruitment signs. Propaganda is not always a bad thing. In the example of being near a military base, it helps boost the motivation of our military which in exchange could make them work more efficiently. 

The bad side of propaganda can be seen in places such as North Korea. It is common for them to push out posters that have false information on them saying various things such as them being the biggest world power. They also made a video a few years ago about them destroying a US aircraft carrier which was not true and made with CGI. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism 
Citizen journalism is becoming more and more popular these days. Also know as "Street" journalism, it is  collection of citizens collecting news and sharing information to one another. You most likely see citizen journalism every day but don't even realize it. It can be as simple as someone putting something they say at school today on there snapchat story. In some cases, it can be used to ensure that the bigger news companies are doing a good job at being factual. Some of these street journalists have reached such a big audience due to their popularity that there are able to effectively spread the word around of whatever news. 

Citizen journalism is one of the best ways to exercise your Freedom of Speech. It is frequently used for protests and political movements that don't have the "big news" companies to support it. It is also changing the way that the world runs. For instance, as a Firefighter, I know that whenever I show up to a call,  I am most likely being recorded so immediately I need to censor my language. The down side to this is that is an already stressful job so being filmed just makes it a bit more stressful.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Media Security

  The Importance of Social Media Safety 

Similar to the article we just read in class today, I too was not allowed to have social media until the age of 13. I also did not get a phone until the age of 12. Most of my friends had these electronics and social media platforms by the 6th grade and that made me really eager to want to get them.

I remember on came called "FarmVille" that my older brother used to play on facebook everyday and it made me want facebook so badly. Then the day Finally came that I was able to get social media and the first thing I did was make a facebook. Before I was allowed to do anything on it however, my parents made sure that the privacy settings were in order. Then everyone started to get Instagram and it was a race to see who could get more followers. Many of my friends made their account public so that they could get more followers at a faster pace.

It is always important to make sure that your settings on social media are private that way it ensures your safety is at its full potential on that platform.  Personally I am luck to never have been a victim of harassment on social media but I do know of people who have been and its not something that you want to experience. This is why I encourage everyone to make sure that they have their settings on private so that not just everyone can look you up and find out personal information about you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


 Amazon is without a doubt one of the most popular companies in todays age. I vaguely remember as a kid when it first came out and was just an online bookstore. However it caught on fairly quickly, at least for me I new about it early because my father was an early adopter of Amazon due to his love for reading. In my eyes by around 2012 the majority of people were hooked on amazon because it was now an epicenter for almost anything you could think for.  Within reason Amazon almost has everything on their website. Laggers to amazon make no sense to me because it's just inefficient to not use the very time effective website. Now Jeff Bezos (CEO of Amazon) was at one point the richest man in the world. Due to a recent divorce he no longer holds that title. Amazons value changes all the time with the fluctuation of the market, but it has hit the trillion dollar mark mid last year.

Blogging Experience

Blogging has been able to change the world itself. The invention of blogging shook up the world of News. The ability to start a website and ...